Cima Railroad Wye: Where the Rails and History Converge

Amid the vast expanse of the Mojave Desert, the Cima Railroad Wye stands as a testament to the ingenuity and necessity of

 rail travel in the early 20th century. This unique railroad feature, with its vital wye track for turning around “helper engines”,

 played a crucial role in the history of the region.

A Challenging Terrain:
The significance of the Cima Railroad Wye can be traced back to the formidable Cima Grade, a section of the railway known 

for its steep and challenging ascent. The grade was so long and steep that steam locomotives couldn’t pull a train up its 

slopes without assistance. This is where “helper engines” came into play, providing the extra power needed to conquer the arduous grade.

Kelso Depot: The Heart of Operations
The relationship between the Cima Railroad Wye and Kelso Depot was symbiotic. Kelso Depot was the central hub of operations. 

It served as both the “helper station” and the reliable water source essential for the steam locomotives. The first depot,

 by the Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad, opened in 1905. In early 1923 the railroad began construction of the new

 “Kelso Clubhouse & Restaurant” which opened the next year. a “Clubhouse” Union Pacific term for employee boarding 

and recreational facilities

A Reliable Water Source:
Kelso Depot was strategically located to ensure a consistent and reliable water source. Initially, water was sourced from 

springs in the Providence Mountains, visible beyond the tracks. Later, nine water wells were established to secure a steady 

supply of water for the trains and engines.

The Turnaround Point:
At the Cima Railroad Wye, the helper engines would complete their crucial work and prepare to return, turning around to go 

back to Kelso Station to await their next call to action.
Today, the Cima Railroad Wye serves as a living monument to the history of rail travel in the Mojave Desert. It’s a place where

 the past comes to life, and the legacy of innovation and industry remains etched into the landscape. Whether you’re a history 

enthusiast or simply intrigued by the story of rail travel in the American West, the Cima Railroad Wye is a must-visit destination, 

where the rails and history converge in the heart of the desert.