Kelso Chinese Cemetery: Honoring Unsung Railroad Heroes

Chinese cemetery Kelso, California
Chinese cemetery Kelso, California

The Kelso Chinese Cemetery is a place of profound historical significance, offering a poignant tribute to the often-unsung 

heroes of the American railroad era. Situated in Kelso, California, this cemetery holds a unique place in the annals of the 

American West’s development.


A Railroad Boomtown:

Kelso, at the turn of the 20th century, thrived as a bustling railroad town, serving a crucial purpose in the era of steam locomotives. 

Its primary role was to provide the steam trains with the lifeblood they required – water for their arduous journeys. But Kelso’s story 

doesn’t stop there. During World War II, the town experienced a revival, this time due to iron ore mining in the region, which fueled

 the loading of trains bound for steel production. Yet, as the age of steam locomotives gave way to more modern technologies, 

the town’s importance waned, leading to the gradual departure of its inhabitants.


A Forgotten Cemetery with a Voice:
The Kelso Chinese Cemetery’s history was brought to light by historian and San Bernardino Sun Tribune columnist, Earl Buie, in 

the 1940s. Buie’s writings revealed that the white crosses within the white picket fence primarily marked the resting places of 

those who fell victim to the devastating 1918 flu epidemic.
Today, the cemetery hosts only a few pickets and crosses. Yet, an archaeological investigation conducted by the National Park Service, 

responsible for the restored Kelso Depot, uncovered an absence of human remains within the cemetery. The mystery surrounding 

this absence suggests that a natural event, perhaps a flash flood, may have disturbed the cemetery over the years.
Interestingly, the cemetery bears the name of a Chinese man, a dedicated railroad worker. However, it is believed that he is not

 interred within the Kelso Chinese Cemetery. The exact location of his grave remains a topic of speculation, with some claiming

 to have spotted it while others remain uncertain.


A Testament to Diversity and Dedication:
The Kelso Chinese Cemetery stands as a poignant testament to the diverse tapestry of the American West’s history. It 

commemorates the significant contributions of Chinese immigrant laborers who played an indispensable role in the development 

of the region. This cemetery serves as a place of historical intrigue, honoring the lives of those who lived and worked in this 

vibrant railroad community, ensuring their memory endures for generations to come.